5890 North Winton Way – Winton, CA 95388
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:45am
Faith Community Bible Church – Congregation

What to Expect

Our Service

Our worship service begins at 10:45am and typically ends at 12:15pm. Our service includes praise and worship, a greeting time, scriptural reading, offering, and an expository sermon. Here’s a link to our online sermons. We do communion the last Sunday of the month. Our praise and worship is a blend of contemporary and traditional. We have a hospitality team to help you if you have any questions.


If you have children aged 0-3 years old on Sunday morning, you may drop them off at the nursery in room 6. We also have a cry room located in the back of our worship center. Children ages 4-10 worship with their parents in the main service and may be dismissed to Children’s Church before the sermon begins. Children’s Church is taught in room 7. We take the safety and supervision of children seriously and have strict policies for those who are watching over them. Your child will need to be signed in and out of the classroom and will only be released to those authorized to pick them up. Each volunteer is screened through protectmyministry.com. You can find more information on our children’s ministry page.


On Sundays, you will find people dressed in whatever they feel comfortable with. It can be from dresses, suits, pants, or T-shirts. We believe that God only requires modesty.


There is limited paved parking in front of our church building and then we have an overflow gravel parking lot to the north of the building.


We have prayer for our service from 9:00 – 9:30am located at room 5.

Small Groups

Our Small Groups meets Sunday morning from 9:30 – 10:15am. Adults meet in room 3, young adults meet in room 1, and children K through 6th grade meet in room 7.